Skrb za okolje, ljudi in skupnost, v kateri delujemo, je ena naših glavnih vrednot. Ker so dejanja pomembnejša od besed, smo sredstva namenjena za nakup letošnjih novoletnih čestitk donirali Varstveno delovnemu centru Zagorje.
Želimo, da tudi vam 2010 vsak dan privabi nasmeh na obraz.SrečnoCare for people, environmental protection and respect for local communities are at the heart of our commitment. Because actions speak louder than words, we decided not to send seasonal greeting cards this year. Instead we are donating that money to VDC Zagorje, an organization organising employment for mentally and phisically affected adults under special terms.
We wish for 2010 to put a smile on your face every single day.
Best wishes